Friday, February 29, 2008

TSOL Tomcat 5.5 Installation

1. TOMCAT 5.5.x Installation

I had this sitting around, I figure someone out there might have a use for it. And so I present, instructions for installing Tomcat 5.5.x on Trusted Solaris 8:

1. Download the Tomcat binary 5.5.x from and extract it into a local directory referred to from here on as $CATALINA_HOME.

2. In $CATALINA_HOME, copy the contents of $CATALINA_HOME/conf into $CATALINA_HOME/confOriginal. Then delete both directories $CATALINA_HOME/logs and $CATALINA_HOME/conf.

3. Make multi-level directories for $CATALINA_HOME/logs and $CATALINA_HOME/conf. Copy all files in $CATALINA_HOME/confOriginal into $CATALINA_HOME/conf under every label you intend to run a server under.

4. If using Tomcat 5.5.x and J2SDK 1.4 or 1.3: Download compat.jar and unzip it in ../$CATALINA_HOME. Verify that it has placed xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar into $CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed

5. Go into $CATALINA_HOME/bin and run Verify that the installation was successful by visiting http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. You should see the Tomcat startup page. Shutdown by running in $CATALINA_HOME/bin.

6. The 5.5.x version of Tomcat does not come with the admin service. It can be useful, so install that as well following these steps:
1. Unzip & copy conf\ and server\ folders and contents over your own Tomcat conf & server folders (into $CATALINA_HOME folder)
2. Copy $CATALINA_HOME\server\webapps\admin\admin.xml to $CATALINA_HOME\webapps\admin.xml
3. Add a line to $CATALINA_HOME\conf\tomcat-users.xml to allow a user to login to the manager & admin modules, e.g.:
4. Restart Tomcat
5. Visit http://localhost:8080/admin and login using admin/admin1

7. Verify the installation by visiting http://localhost:8080/admin.

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